Monday, March 29, 2010

chop up a papaya!

I used a story called Fruit Salad in Science class the other day, to introduce the idea of "Changing and Mixing Matter". On each page, it read: "Chop up a ___________, and put it in the bowl". When I got to the the page with papaya on it, I realized how funny "chop up a papaya" sounded when you said it altogether, quickly. So, for the rest of the day, my students were saying "Miss Arnold, chopupapapaya..!" and giggling. It was pretty cute, and just what I needed on a Monday.

In a related story, one of my students is obsessed with eggs. I mean, obsessed-- asking if we're having them for lunch EVERY day, writing about them everyday... everything is about eggs. So, you can imagine what his answer was when I asked "Stanford, what would you want in your fruit salad?". Ewww. Eggs?! Just a funny little Science class we had...

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