Thursday, February 4, 2010

what a life.

So, I am 9 days (or so) into my trip to the Philippines. In a nutshell, I fall more and more in love with the country and its' people everyday. Since day one, I have been running around Palawan with a lovely German gal named Berit ('Berry' for those westerners who can't quite get that rolled 'r' sound right!). I realized in meeting her, how easily plans can change and that it really is the best to travel alone. The people you meet along the way certainly do make it an experience.

We stayed in Port Barton for 8 days (about 4 longer that what we had planned) but it was so, so, so wonderful... we may even go back! We are now in El Nido. The drive up north was... hellish. I have to admit that I did see my life flash before my eyes a couple of times (sorry, Mom and Dad!). We did make it though and it seems that the worst drives are always worth it when you see the stunning colours of the ocean and the white sand beaches. Life can be so simple... really.

I have a story or two to tell, of course, but shall save these stories for later. I am learning that it certainly pays to be nice here. If you are nice, you will be treated wonderfully, maybe even proposed to. Gosh, men are so handsome here... annnnyway, I will try my best to do some more updating now that the internet is a tad more accessible (that is, if my "readers" haven't given up on me already!).

... also, beer and rum are cheaper than water here. Perfect.

Paalam! (from a not-so-quiet internet cafe).

1 comment:

  1. Emily! sounds like a life changing experience! I can't wait to hear more about it!! post more.. :) and please lets talk as soon as possible..

    love you tons.. be careful will you!
    xoxox Meagan
