Sunday, June 20, 2010

a wonderful day with a wonderful friend!

When you live in a smog-filled city it's easy to forget that you are surrounded by stunning countryside. I spent Saturday afternoon on a scooter, driving through the mountains with a more than wonderful friend, on look-out for a giant, gold Buddha. Now I know what the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" means.


  1. Hey Emily!!!

    looks like you're in an awesome part of the world and havin a blast to boot!! It's been too long, hope you are well and keep me posted as to if and when you'll come to Ontario any time in the near future!!!!

    -M A R C O

  2. Marco! Hi! I don't even know if you will get this response... I hope you do! Taiwan's been great! I am home in a month or so and will be around Toronto a fair bit. Give me an e-mail address/phone number where I can reach you! Also, my e-mail address is:

    Thanks for the message! Miss you and hope you're well!
