Wednesday, September 30, 2009

your digestive system; a lesson in poop.

If you know me at all, it will not surprise you to hear that I took teaching the digestive system as a chance to talk about poop to my 2nd graders! Their reactions were hilarious and brought me much joy as well (coming from someone who loves life's little pleasures, like the word "poop" and "duty" -- because it can be another word FOR poop, only spelled a bit different). Maybe I belong in the 2nd grade still? I blame my brothers for making me have so much fun with such topics. But honestly, it has been a riot in my class lately. I wonder what these kids go home and tell their parents? Likely that I am the funniest teacher alive (I'd put bets on it!).

Also, my students HATE Social Studies and especially do not like learning about the American Government. SO, today, we made posters. On one side I had them draw a picture of a classroom with "order" (we're talking about the importance of rules/laws), and on the other side they were to draw a picture of a classroom without any order or rules. Boy, do these kids have imaginations! I had to cut the kids off after one suggested "there would be monkeys ALL over the place!" and "there would be kids just pooping in the corners!" (you can imagine how hard it was for me to have a straight face and pretend to be disappointed about this one...).

Anyway, the lesson that I learned today was: when in doubt, just talk 'poop'. And for goodness sake, try to be mature about it.

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